Detalles del Tour

Una manera diferente de visitar Machu Picchu, el Camino Inca de dos días combina la caminata moderada con la visita al centro arqueológico más importante de Sudamérica. El primer día de recorrido de Camino Inca se desarrolla en medio de antiguos restos incaicos y paisajes naturales, ingresando por la puerta del sol hacia la ciudad perdida de Machu Picchu, por la noche podemos relajarnos opcionalmente en los baños termales del poblado de Aguas Calientes, al día siguiente dispondremos de un día entero para visitar los mejores lugares de este santuario Arqueológico tomando interesantes vistas y fotos panorámicas del lugar, nuestro equipo se encargará de brindarle todas las facilidades y requerimientos necesarios para que disfrute completamente de este hermoso recorrido.

Itinerario: Camino Inca corto 2 días

Temprano salimos en tren de Cusco, pasando las pampas andinas para luego bajar al valle sagrado de los incas desde donde seguimos el río Vilcanota hasta el Km. 104. Desde el grupo arqueológico de Chachabamba (2,250 m // 7,381pies) subimos en una caminata de aproximadamente 3 horas hacia el fascinante grupo arqueológico de Wiñaywayna (2,650m // 8,694pies) donde disfrutamos un pick nick. En la tarde seguimos por el bosque de nubes hacia la puerta del sol Intipunku donde podemos disfrutar la primera vista panorámica impresionante del majestuoso Machupicchu. Una corta caminata nos lleva a nuestro destino de donde descendemos en bus hacia el pueblo de Aguas Calientes. Podemos visitar opcionalmente los baños termales.Número de horas de la caminata: 6h Desnivel subiendo: Desnivel bajando: Alojamiento En Aguas Calientes Box Lunch/Cena

Después del desayuno subimos con el primer bus a Machupicchu para disfrutar el amanecer en este mágico lugar antes de la llegada de otros turistas desde Cusco. Disfrutamos la tranquilidad de la ciudad perdida de los Incas en un tour guiado, disponiendo de un tiempo libre que nos permite hacer otras caminatas cortas en el santuario. En la tarde descendemos en bus al pueblo de Aguas Calientes para tomar el tren de retorno a Cusco.

Tren del Poblado de Aguas Calientes – a la estación de Ollantaytambo.

Traslado de la estación de Ollantaytambo a la ciudad de Cusco .

Número de horas para visitar Machu Picchu: 5h a 6h Desayuno/Box Lunch

NOTA: Indicamos que las etapas dadas son a título orientativo, pueden modificarse en función, de las condiciones climáticas o de cualquier otro acontecimiento inesperado.

Precio por Persona

470 $ por persona
Si desea hacer la camianta como un grupo privado, es decir, sólo su familia o amigos:
2 Pasajeros : $520 por persona
3 Pasajeros : $490 por persona
4+ Pasajeros : $470 por persona
Le rogamos que nos comunique sus intenciones en el momento de efectuar la reserva.

We have no set departures for the Short Inca Trail to Machu Picchu Trek. All arrangements are prepared on request on a custom basis. Park authorities issue hiking permits and require that a licensed guide accompany hikers on this route. In compliance with park regulations, our guide carries a full first aid kit and an oxygen bottle.

The train departs from Ollantaytambo station between 6:40AM and 7:45AM. It continues to km. 104 (adjacent to the Chachabamba ruins) where by special arrangement it stops to let hikers off. The optional transfer from your hotel in Cuzco to Ollanta station (90 minutes) is a surcharge at rates indicated below, and requires an extra-early start. Hence, the program works best when you sleep in Ollantaytambo (the Sacred Valley) the previous night.

Your carry-on luggage is limited to a small overnight bag in addition to your daypack. The guide arranges for the hotel staff to meet the train and transfer your luggage to your hotel.


Current as of July, 2014 The UGM (Unidad de Gestion de Machupicchu, the regulatory body responsible for management of the Machu Picchu National Sanctuary), limits the number of passengers on the routes within the Sanctuary. Included in these routes is the one-day hike Chachabamba to Machu Picchu. The regulations are administered locally by the DDC-C (Direccion Desconcentrada de Cultura – Cusco).

The DDC-C assigns the same status for hiking the Chachabamba to Machu Picchu route as they do to requests to trek the 4-day Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. The DDC-C limits the number of permits for the Chachabamba route based on the traffic for that day already issued for other routes within the Sanctuary.

New applications are currently being accepted on a first come/first served basis for hiking anywhere within the Sanctuary in 2015, including the Chachabamba route. We must submit a permit application listing the passenger name(s) as they appear on the passport; nationality and passport number; date of birth and gender. We also pay the trail fee at the time the permit is issued. Once issued, the only changes allowed on the trek permit are to remove names from the permit, with 100% loss of your tour deposit.

Insofar as our passengers have to make flight reservations and all other travel plans far in advance of the date deemed convenient by the UGM, we process these Chachabamba requests as soon as we have required passenger data and the trail fee prepaid. The park fee for the normal Chachabamba route (as of January 2014) is S/. 220, approximately $60. We collect this as part of the prepaid services, adding $10 service and handling. The park fee is subject to change.

These bookings must operate within DDC-C regulations. Terms and conditions for entry to Machu Picchu and its peripheral sites are subject to change without prior notice

What information do you need from us in order to obtain the permits?

We must submit a permit application along with a $200 deposit. We must have all the passenger name(s) as they appear on the passport; nationality and passport number; date of birth and gender. We also pay the trail fee at the time the permit is issued.  Thereafter, the only changes allowed on the trek permit are to remove names from the permit, with 100% loss of your tour deposit.

Is the $200 deposit refundable?

No, it is non-refundable. Our staff in Cuzco have to purchase your permits as soon as we send them your information.

Insofar as our passengers have to make flight reservations and all other travel plans far in advance of the date deemed convenient by the UGM, we process these Chachabamba requests as soon as we have required passenger data and the trail fee prepaid.

These bookings must operate within INC regulations.  Terms and conditions for entry to Machu Picchu and its peripheral sites are subject to change without prior notice.


  • Transporte y excursiones incluidos en el programa.
  • Billete de tren ida y vuelta.
  • Permisos para Camino Inca y Boleto de Machu Picchu.
  • 3 rutas de bus Machu Picchu a Aguas Calientes.
  • 1 desayuno + 1 Refrigerio + 1 cena.
  • Alojamiento 1 noche en Aguas Calientes

No Incluye

  • Almuerzo en el segundo día.
  • Propinas/impuestos locales
  • Comidas no mencionadas en las inclusiones
  • Cualquier cosa no mencionada en las inclusiones

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